Kim Nam Gil & Seohyun to Lead Netflix’s Historical Drama “Song of the Bandits”

Kim Nam Gil & Seohyun to Lead Netflix's Historical Drama "Song of the Bandits" (credit: GILSTORY Entertainment)

Actor Kim Nam Gil and actress Seohyun will be the main leads of the upcoming Netflix‘s original series “Song of the Bandits”.

It’s been revealed on the 14th that Kim Nam Gil, Seohyun, Yoo Jae Myung, Lee Hyun Wook and Lee Ho Jung are cast in “Song of the Bandits”.

Kim Nam Gil & Seohyun to Lead Netflix's Historical Drama "Song of the Bandits"
Kim Nam Gil & Seohyun to Lead Netflix’s Historical Drama “Song of the Bandits” (credit: GILSTORY Entertainment)

With Japanese colonia era as the background, the drama talks about the people who somehow end up in Kando due to different incidents in 1920s. They become a team that protects the home of Joseon people.

Kim Nam Gil will be playing as Lee Yoon, a bandit from the Japanese military who gave up everything to go to Kando. Seohyun will be the head of the railway bureau of the Government of Joseon, Nam Hee Shin, who’s hiding her identity.

Kim Nam Gil & Seohyun to Lead Netflix's Historical Drama "Song of the Bandits" (credit: Namoo Actors)
Kim Nam Gil & Seohyun to Lead Netflix’s Historical Drama “Song of the Bandits” (credit: Namoo Actors)

Choi Choong Su, played by Yoo Jae Myung, the Joseon landowner of Kando who’s also a medical officer. Lee Hyun Wook will be Lee Kwang Il, an opputunist Japanese military officer. And Lee Ho Jung will be On Nyeon Yi, the gunman who arrives Kando to kill Lee Yoon.
